Peer Educator Programmes

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The continuous health education of a workforce means

continuous health risk management.


The Calibre Wellness Peer Educators, (WPE) Education, Training & Development (ETD) Programme aims to train a selected number of employees as workplace based WPE’s.  Their initial training is not just a once-off, but the start of an ongoing programme of education, training and development, guided by the Calibre Training Team.


The key to the effectiveness and relevance of the WPE’s is the ability of Calibre to design ongoing training to support the client’s specific wellbeing programmes and address workplace health risk trends.  


Maintaining a team of employees able to provide continuous, relevant and current health education and information is of major benefit to the workforce.  WPE’s provide an excellent communications network; on wellness trends and concerns within the workforce; enabling timely proactive and effective risk management, supportive of a productive, sustainable workforce.